54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Dong of sauron


Become a Reaper, kill some people, and use their souls to silence those brats.

That’s a joke, in case anyone was wondering.

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Wenis of Sauron

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I heard a gun takes care of problems like that


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Ear(s) of Sauron

Mafia Offensive
You better not talk shit.
Two for One (Passive) - You and another player are both apart of this hydra. You both secretly share the same vote (even though this won’t reflect on vote counts), action cap, and if one of you dies the other dies.
Sauron’s Will (Passive) - If you are the hammerer of a BD aligned player, you will be able to permanently deactivate the Two for One passive and become two different players.
Demonic Hearing (Passive) - If you perform the factional kill, you will know whoever visits (both of you) you and your target (individually). You will also know who they visited and what their feedback was if any.

Reverberate Noise (Day) - Disable target player’s abilities and passives for the rest of the cycle. Can’t target the same player twice in a row. - Infinite Uses

Noise Cancelling (Night) - Prevent all investigative abilities from receiving feedback tonight. This is non-consecutive. - Infinite Uses

Goal: Defeat all threats to the Mafia.


Ah, throw the gun 1000 miles away and tell them to go get it.

Smart, smart.

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I was more thinking about water guns but you do you weirdo

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face of sauron
face of sauron


No because then there’s a 99% chance I’ll get wet and that’s a big no because I’d melt.

Not if you aim it at THEM

trust me, water take cares of all problems. As a cat I know this


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How do we finish Sauronxodia





Can someone photoshop these together?


I would but I don’t have access to my computer rn rip

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@KyoDaz I can edit queue

What’s wrong?

not me