54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Ok, real talk. Who want take a shoot for this stupid war?

All posts are false :thinking:

Including the ones which say the dark theme is the best ^w^

But also the ones that say light theme is the best and either of them is the worst, so basically I’m kamikaze-ing by words

Ok. so light and dark theme sucks, got it.

So Ashe has given up in the war as it’s realised that dark theme cannot purely win

“Purely” i can clease someone from this world.


Chronicle of Silver, Chapter 41: “A New Hope.”


/Shoot PKR

Nuke, Bad.
Are a dark themer? :frowning:

Chronicle of Silver, Chapter 42: “Betrayal.”

Not the flashbacks! Not the ITA!

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ItAs aRe A fUN ANd balANCEd meCHAniC


Chronicle of Silver, Chapter 43: “Balanced Game.”

You forgot to add the evil laugh.

Dark theme will win! Light themers are the kind of people who would put ketchup on ice cream :^)

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Ewwwwww! False!
I highlighted your message to see what you hid from me

:eyes: true facts only here