54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

oh my gosh it’s wonderful

I’m never changing it ever on MU

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derp derp derp derp derp

Alright time to bribe a moderator


We should all change it to that

Army of Sauron

I’ll do it if you do it

Is that a challenge

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nah, challenge implies you have a chance


it is a challenge doe

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got good grades for now but not enough on my SATlike thingy
based on the non-official internet answer sheets ofc
and only in portuguese language and human sciences for now
the nature sciences and math ones are next week
and my essay will only be reviewed months from now

isn’t anything not American sat related much harder then ours

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anyway math always bumps me up and nature sciences always bumps me down so I can expect to stay roughly the same

I’m pretty sure we are the laughing stock when people compare their education to ours



oh fuck it’s a threat


which is borderline almost good enough for the uni I want but there are a lot of good unis I can go with my current value as well

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I did it as well