54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Not True

But, because of Diablo Immortal and a bunch of Mobile games they releasing (China is fucking nuts with Mobile games), Yea, you see what happend

still, very awful decision

and they lost Mitsubishi as an investor, so they lost money from their actions

sadly, they will gain it back (and make even more) when mobile games come out

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P5S is releasing February 20th in Japan

Im guessing P5R is coming out around start of summer for the west

so, P5S is likely coming out in the fall.

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P5R is slated for Q2

so around May

that means P5S is likely end of Q3 start of Q4, so September or October.

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I don’t even know what that means

Persona 5 Royal

and Persona 5 Scramble

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Same, that place is scary

Also, apparently P5S is a sequel to OG P5, not 100% sure on that

if true, then Kasumi and Akechi are most likely DLC characters

Okay Scramble is actually gonna be an insane

you can play as any of the thieves and explore around in the open world segments

Thats actually really awesome.

Em, welp, look into the context of the story, and you will see why they are upset :eyes:

But anyway, lets not turn this thread into political talk area.

I did look at the context

They signed a contract to not be political and then they broke their contract.

Breaking the contract could have harmed the company a lot which is why they SIGNED one so this would have been avoided

Meow? Meow!



China and banning things that insult them

name a more iconic duo

Terms of service and people who don’t read them

Boomers and them Insulting Millennials

KyoDaz and KPop

Cats and them chasing their tail wondering where it came from

Red Velvet and Music