54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

its a single one but if i lose we are doing best of 3 :slight_smile:

do u have to challenge me back or can u just accept my challenge

im Hippo#94301

Just in case give me your GaMeRtAg

lets gooooooooooo


imma switch my deck

i feel like i have better cards

im turning in my badge

also yeah i skimped out on a lot of value cards because I was running low on wildcards

aparently they are getting a type of card loan system soon when they ill loan u some of mine

the saheeli deck is well cheap it has like 1 mythic rare and 3 rares. i feel yarok is super expensive to do well

as I said, I’m turning in my badge
also I guess I have to host Fortnite FM now?!?!?!?

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Is it possible to run a FM where the only form of tk is itas or would that be to chance based to be fun

Like no lynches just itas

That’s Popcorn Mafia.


If there isnt a FOL or NFOL planned I could host one, ain’t doing much atm. Derps asked for a Fol cohost position so he could host them later so hed be the cohost for that one. I have cohosted before so dont gotta worry about that. Just let me know.

Yeah but popcorn doesnt have a chance to miss

And not everyone has the gun

mexicn standoff fm

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