54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

if you have patience for 5 hours and it is sunny and you have a WHOLE LOT of suncreen
visit the T-posing Jesus
the view of the city over here is gorgeous


view this video is one thing you should do

tdlr tdlr since I need to brag about this EVERYWHERE
I made an application for an uni
it had 300 candidates per chair on my course
I thought “cool. :tm: I’m never doing that shit.”

now they shared the results of who passed to the second step of the admission
it’s like only 75 people are ellegible to the 14 chairs now since they funneled the number a lot
(acually 130 people for 27 chairs but the others are in “other categories” since the government makes all state unis reserve some chairs for those of poor social condition and etc)

> Merc goes to see the list of all 130 people who passed
> omgmynameisthere.jpeg
> Merc sees the highest score of all uni applicants to the course
> Merc sees her own score

guess watch bitches I’m #1
but there’s still the second step so I shouldn’t get too cocky


I played Undertale Genocide, got all the way to Sans, before logging off. Came back to find my little sister had Reset and played for ten minutes before getting bored.

too didnt long read



I’m trying to do pacifist rn

I found a local Polish restaurant and for some reason I thought I should definitely go in.


What do I order?

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Order a big mac, trust me. /s

Probably pierogi. They should always be good.
Maybe pancakes? I have no idea what the restaurant offers but you can hardly go wrong with the most popular dishes, I think.


wait I thought you were polish

No, I’m Dutch.

what is the country again


The Netherlands. “Deutschland” is Germany, where they speak German.


Oh that’s Holland

I already visited Curaçao
very good place to go
very nice architecture

hmmm apparently there’s a different between Holland and Netherlands
it is easier to grasp than the UK/Britain/England mess so I’ll remember it

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We are frequently referred to as “Holland” as well, which is in actuality only 2/12 regions of The Netherlands, North and South Holland. (Being misnomered like that annoys me to no end :stuck_out_tongue: )

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