54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

wait is this actually a real deal

Good luck!

What u want?

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Orange just made the biggest mistake of their life


You underestimate the power of the internet memes


If you all collectively purchase me Umineko, both the Question and Answer arcs, and all 7 released chapters of Higurashi Hou, and the first chapter of Ciconia, I will play this Dream Daddy Simulator game


how much would that cost

Orange, just play it

ive already played 18+ Japanese VN`s before

idk tbh

Now thats asking for alot my guy

rough estimate?

Not without good reason

I’ll check on Steam

Wait that’s what hes trying to make us buy 18+ VNs shame on u orange

So is asking me to play this

You mean Umineko when they cry? Something like that

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Orange has to stream the game tho

It’s all age