54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

What game is it?

You won’t like the answer

its name doesnt contain anything nsfw

I think so too

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Mm ok go ahead

Luxy no

Luxy why

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bible black

@Arete are we the only normal people here? :eyes:


It was this thread!


No I’m with you on this one

I don’t exist again?

Says man who likes to watch people die :stuck_out_tongue:

Alright close enough stop looking

> implying that I’m normal

I have only spoken about works of fiction

ok boomer

Also literally anyone would laugh uncontrollably at the end of Once Upon A Time In Hollywood so fight me

I literally made a D1 lynch in that game because people were being so NSFW in that game it wasn’t funny


Not Safe Weather Forecast

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