54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I only know 1 ft = 12 inches because I toyed with a height comparisor and converter for rp charas
and that 5ft = 1.5m because of D&D since if you don’t speak english you will end somehow having to check the english books one time or other

At least it’s not 3 AM this time

go there with a torch
that will scare them off

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That sounds like it would solve the opposite of the problem I have

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I heard smashing fire alarms are very effective against them

bring a pitchfork as well then


I wouldn’t know any imperial units honestly.

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Well I know both but I don’t the the translation of bigger units since I only know the metric system from science classes

Imperial system trash

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I’m American I have to use it sometimes. But the only measurement that seems to be better in the imperial system is temperature imo

can’t make calcs in farenheit so :’^)

I’m also American but still hate it

The Foot is the best part of imperial system

I mean Fahrenheit is just a more specific measurement of temperature and it correlates with the human body rather than water

But that is true of any imperial measurement really

How come?

Anyone know a forum color close to this?

You know you can just use hex color codes, right? Anyway, purple should be close enough.


U right

Search forum formatting tips guide or something.

It’s feasible to (roughly) measure without any tools
They are applicable to most building things