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VT! Is! A! Role! That! Helps! Town!

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Helping doesn’t equal fun. Town Role that dies N1 and can’t win the game if they die but kills all the scum when they die isn’t fun, and isn’t a good role.


I can make a town role that has ability

  • End the game with a win for town. This cannot be stopped.

Don’t think it’d be very fun tbh, but it would be more of an asset to town.

For example

If I joined a game and died D1 due to my role but still had night abilties but couldn’t communicate I would sub out due to being decived by the game.

Would a Fun role that hurts town be a good role?

No one would replace me either, which is the funny part

make a fun role that hurts town

that sounds contradictory, how are you going to have fun in a game when everything you do hurts you

That is not an answer.

Ur question is vague


BotC has a few good examples in the later setups, where there are roles that have abilities which are objectively a detriment that can be exploited to be useful if you’re clever enough.

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but that’s only in a batshit crazy controlled bastard environment
otherwise, cool kids don’t do negative utility

You can ask me whether the pink fluffy unicorn that has god powers is a good person and I would say pretty much the same thing

I don’t know I don’t think they even exist

That’s not what he’s arguing

That’s a useful role if you use it right

He’s saying a role that always hurts town but is fun

My question is that Would a role that hurts it’s faction but also is a fun game be a good role?

No that’s not what you said

You said a fun ROLE

Why don’t you just try to make a fun role that also helps their faction…

I said a good role. You even quoted me saying it

It’s still vague u would have to give an example

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That’s not what you just said now

Arguing with you is fun.