54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I think they ended Oct 13th for me

lemme check

16th actually

oct 20 for me.

RIP us. Give me back my emails

I have my notif for this site on silent just so I don’t get nuked

Well… I wonder

Did you know while theyre discussing

Like, over in one of the forum mafia matches about role setups

I’m going to end this thread’s career

So, by ending this thread, on the 69th of 2 69s…

We can effectively assume the many responses that this will illicit

The moment they come back online.

And look at this thread sitting exactly on the 26969th.

Now, as of now, we have 50 more posts to go.

For the point in every cookie, I shall be the man to snipe the second cookie.

But how does one snipe?

It’s fairly simple in some games.

Some, you wait for the enemy to run towards your cursor, and then you click them.

Some, you have to click their heads.