54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@Jane You can post the player list here and just ping Alice

I think the off-topic thread is hidden so ping in case

Yeah, alright. I’ll start in about 3 hours. Probably should pay attention during class, now that I don’t have a reason not to.



Just 15 minutes left and then I can finally go home. It’s boring because it’s so easy + I have a stomach ache.

Oh my god

Time to come back for 15 minutes and get disco the cookie

I need back up

@Kirefitten @Jane

Stealth operation 874

54 more posts

we’re not gonna make it bois

@discobot roll 1d6

:game_die: 4

Wait how’s that command work

Oh I did it nvm

tries to think if I can make 50 posts by myself

decides that would not be wise but mayyyybe

What else can disco do and who is usually on at 6am in the morning I need you

What are you talking about? It’s still about 300 posts.



@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome. — Michael Jordan

Oh wait I can’t number