54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Is it same where each plays 1 day

I’ll make sure isaac reads feedback correct


It’s team mafia
Every slot is shared by 4-5 people

Every slot gets a slot team chat on discord

So it’s like a bunch of multi headed hydras?

I was in one before there over the summer


Yup. Every slot is a 4-5 headed hydra.

Where people take one day each
To slot for the day
This person will be representing us!

And then sub out to the next person for the next day.

I call last then

Does one person in all of us or what

Oh it isn’t starting for a while okay.

I dont think im that crazy
But today’s role is Crazy Old Man
And I’m posting for the first time
While this role is up on the daily role thing
So uhh
Pleased to meet all of you!!!

Adds Nervous Vibes


Shurian go do my char for ur game

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@Isaac_Gonzalez Let’s disco get the cookie, deal?

i may or may not take it for myself
