54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Nerd still looking for teammates?

I need a go at MU.

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Yes please
That’s shuri/marshal/derps/me
@Emilia you want in?

WHy are all of these posts getting scrambled in terms of order

i gave him the cookie noob

help boss just challenged me to league of legends what do i do

Finished the tutorial first might help

idk man i don’t really battle noobs like that

I am only unranked so it’s fine

it may be impossible to battle you since our timezones are opposite

We are talking right now?

im in study hall (schoool)

You can fight my ghost then

by the time im out from school its 1 am for you

Saturday and Sunday exist

wait no i get our early so 11pm i think

so ur noob so i automatically win

when boss doesn’t answer ur discord call

You are just gonna play some loud music or something

what music

You are just scare to fight so you try to attack me the other way