54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Hold on a second

I have a LightBearer magic sword?

No, I want them to suffer a life of poverty without my wallet.


just change the subject a little until it fits our discussion

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And unlimited knives, basically.

You don’t work out, so you can’t carry it.

did you just assume my schedule

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How does a kitten work out?

I get up and stretch at least twice a day and then take a nap for hours

sometimes if I’m feeling up for it I even walk to my food bowl

How do you have time for fm?

I like white tits


Paws off my scythe or the claws come out. :man_shrugging:


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They are mad cute


I nap so much I create a paradox that allows me to communicate here


Okay then. I guess you won’t mind if I was to instead get a human to grab your scythe, going to do that right now.

@Magnus pss, I’ll give you ten bucks if you steal solic scythe and give it to me

My toucan would eat that alive.