54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Hold on a second


Okay first off.

Competitive players want to win correct? You know what makes people who want to win salty. I’m going to tell you right now, it isn’t bad players. Most people who want to win still feel emotions. However, it’s the way the people who want to win perceive the other players in the game.

People who don’t look like they are trying hard to win come off very wrong to people who want to win and makes them kind of mad.

There’s another reason too. MU has a bigger player base, and therefore community can filter itself. People won’t join games with overly toxic people who are just rude in general and on purpose.

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Kyodaz compared what I said to blood types. You can put a player with blood type AB in a player with A or B. However putting blood type A’s into B’s is when things go wrong.

Let’s say blood type A is competitive and blood type B is casual

Toxicity isn’t how people get better at the game, and you just are misinformed about how people go about reading others and you are assuming because people are toxic that is the way they get their reads. I forgot what fallacy it was, but it basically described because event A happened before B, A caused event B.

You can read people by being overly toxic though, however on MU people won’t like that

but I can assure you no one here is purposefully being toxic

laughs at eevee in marson

i wanna reread marson just to see how fucking good i am

I sucked hard in that game, but also had some IRL shit going on that i actually think affected my reads so i’m moving on.

Speaking as someone who has ever read through MU game threads and even once (gasp) played on MU I can confirm that it’s less toxic

I’ve seen behavior there called out as being basically unacceptable that didn’t register to me as anything abnormal

Eevee was deliberately trying to read you based on your anger I believe

i dislike playing dirty like it but its a legitimate form a play

will it get you friends?

No, Luxy. That wasn’t it.

But I still don’t understand this all, kitten.

Playing dirty is often way faster than playing normally since reading normally takes way longer as you go through ISOs etc.

lul if I would have played like eevee did in that match, I wouldn’t still have my tol title

Also insulting everyone is a form of slayer’s gambit

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playing dirty has its perks but friendship and respect is not one of them

Honestly didn’t read any of it as I was playing in the state champs but that was the gist I got

to be fair, I prefer tol, because you’d get banned for such a “play” ^^