54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I do have an alt but i don’t really play much because my heart was with my main because i did UHC mainly and losing all of that progress made me lose motivation.

Become a mega waller

walls :unamused:

Not the walls, mega walls

Actually you can do that pretty easily. Get yourself suspicious. Get people to accuse you. Then claim some class which is confirmable in any way.

Yes but priestess the gambit is as a non-confirmable class

Thats why its a gambit and not just a play

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Just be the town leader, and nothing bad will happen to you ^^ if you are the person who accuses, you won’t be accused

Or as I like to call it, gargantuan walls

I thought we were talking slayer’s gambit here

Does a “Exe me first” gambit count? Because often enough people won’t exe you if you seem crazy enough, lul

That doesn’t catch scum though

P sure thats a scum gambit

I did that mostly as town lul

@Marshal are you the type of veteran to say tp/lo on me d1 and then alert n1?

What did it achieve?

:thinking: its all about making strange plays which actually work while making sure you are actually not throwing, especially when they fail and you get reported

Prince exing the true scum instead of me

I mean sure? but its better for scum to get the prince off themselves than town because claiming is easier than fakeclaiming

But Im fake claiming neutral or evil… As town…
Wouldnt recommend this unless you really really know what you do tho