54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I bought a machete

perform surgery on my brain with it please

The sentence below is false.
The sentence above is true.

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The sentence three post above me is false.

I finished both videos then I fell asleep

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two truths and a lie but with this chain of 3 sentences

One of these is a lie

I love the forums.
I love sleeping.
I love games.

U dont love sleeping

Is the statement one of these is a lie, a lie?

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I have a brother.
I’ve only had 2 phones.
I like pizza.

One of these is a lie.

Why do you hate pizza


I don’t know, I just don’t like the taste.

these games are super easy because you always guess the thing that sounds the most believable

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I just got a new shelf
I am missing three ribs
I almost got ran over yesterday

Ones a lie

You should buy a new shelf if you need one.

I guessed wrong, didn’t I?

Yup as ur wrong, I really did get a new shelf

Three Ribs

Wrong again. I didnt almost get hit by a car