54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

You called me scum and ignored any questions I or others had about that. If you don’t reveal some of your own thought process, you’ll be less likely to be trusted on what your actual conclusions are.

Would argue it’s both of the players fault


did they seriously just mislynch you for claiming wolf, or did they mislynch you for defending your actions in a way that made you look wolfy to them? I heard you say something about self-analysis. Presumably, they thought that made you look self-aware, and made it seem like the whole thing was a gambit to try and get yourself derpcleared.

in which case, it’s a reasonable mistake for them to make

They mislynched me each time for claiming neut d1 as town :woman_shrugging: even after the third time I’ve done it

sorry, which classes were we again?

and how many wolves have been directly, and accurately outed by this method? not just in a way that outs them to you, but to everyone

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I’d happily claim Lone Wolf privately to someone to hope they’d admit to being scum.

None, I was a newbie who was afraid to get exed, so I claimed neut

traumatic memories intensify

Because it outted the NK and the Neutral King to me in my first game

But, I repeat, did it out it to anybody else?

Well yes it did… it was pretty spectacular

and the second two times?

one day I’m going to attempt a slayer gambit without being scared

and I’ll succeed

I was not realizing that gamethrowing (aka “outting yourself as evil”) is actually a thing in fol :eyes:

it’s technically not gamethrowing if you have a reason for claiming evil

One day when someone scumreads you when you are scum you will quote this post

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I was Merc you were Squirw.

You had the same patterns as in the game before, where you were obv-wolf for me, but to noone else. You interacted with noone, just did huge analyzes

i mean, outing yourself as evil when you have absolutely no hope of surviving is +EV a lot of the time because it reduces spew, it distracts villagers, and it’s really funny when done right

lolcatting is done quite often for a reason

other than that there’s no real reason to out as wolf other than Slayer’s Gambit.

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and Slayer’s Gambit is… iffy
it’s only so well-known because it’s flamboyant and eye-catching