54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Turn off and leave off.

No because we can do him bad like that. But I dont wanna be the one to turn him on

Turn him on with all sort of mean!

Oh, I got it.
Solic Instruction Manuel - To restore to the default factory settings, simply chant RESET seventy two times in quick succession.

That’s easy enough.
Who wants to go first?


RESET x 72 = 72 Reset


I give up that was hard

My love is special you know, I don’t just go and love people

Likes tho, I’m happy to give them out :slight_smile:

Solic Instruction Manuel - If you say RESET but the wrong number of times, the reaper will enter Soul Collecting mode. He will attempt to steal the Souls of those around him until RESET is chanted 72 times.

Well, that sucks.



Watch it, it’s worth it. It’s amazing

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One sec

(The rest of this post was removed due to repetitive posting)

little nsfw but it’s a good story

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how do you find these
how do i make my youtube like this

my recommended is filled with them

teach me

russian gangsta

Basically, search up a lot of these type of videos and watch them

The algothrim will adjust itself to what you watch in order to find what you like and show it to you in recommended

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i am the machine

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