54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

In an OABC tetrahedron, the angles AÔ, BÔC, and CÔA measure 90 °. Let α and β measure angles A C with superscript logical conjunction O and B C with superscript logical conjunction O, respectively, express the cosine of angle A C with superscript logical conjunction B as a function of α and β.

Can’t say I am not…

Now that makes more sense
Havent done math in 2 years

Havent done math in ever

Ah that’s what I did when I was 15 years old
Fun times

Wont be able to 100% remember the things

Sin90 =1?

I’m a high schooler as well.


You’ll be moving to the TOA CAH SOH soon

What the wucky freaky is this OwO

For right angle triangles

My own special hell = )

Insanity u learning this too?

The reading experiences is enjoyable for me though.


I remember something like that
Cant remember the exact details tho

No, my brain is going to explode if I were to decipher this.


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Oh wait, you mean Soh Coh Toa?

I have learned that before.

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Stop getting others to do your maths homework.