54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I don’t have any special qualifications beyond things like passing high school English and high school Rhetoric

I suppose I’ve also written essays for some of my college courses

@KyoDaz how much progress have you made on the essay?

361 words.
I haven’t beaten a single creature.

I think you’re worrying too much about writing a good essay

It’s 3 AM the night before it’s due, it’s not going to be good, what’s important is that it’s done

You see I may or may not have left out the part there is a certain… reward for completing it.
It needs to be good. I’m beating everyone in this competition.

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I’ll send you a PM so I don’t get accused of plagaurism and you know it’s political and we can’t discuss that here

I definitely assumed this was just for a school assignment :eyes:

This is an optional school assignment.

Teacher: Kyo why is ur paper good

Kyo: I enlisted help from Americans on my video game forum


@reaper your profile has a certain uncanny valley
image image image

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By default, in ToL, a Mastermind can’t use Dirty Work the day their Assassin is executed

However, if the Assassin was instead killed by a Hunter’s arrow, they will be able to DW

i can say every element discovered before 1964 in under 30 seconds


That’s as far as I have memorized

it was extra credit on a 6th grade science quiz for every named elememnt

you know your boy wanted that extra credit



this song btw

of school impressive… hm…
I know logarythm proprieties by head

‘this assignment is worth 50 points’
okay cool time to procrastinate until an hour before it’s due
‘you can get 2 points of extra credit for doing five hours of work’
yes good plan I will do that

it was +1 point for every element you named

she capped the grade at 150 because i would have ended up having a 106 in that class if she had given me full credit


Since me and my friend only do math questions all day on class as well and I’m better than him at math, he frequently hands me over exercises for me to solve and explain.
Explain how to math without shedding a single word or attracting the attention of teachers for doing “out of subject” exercises.
That’s an underrated skill.

I also have won $140 off of flappy golf 2 bets.

I hustle kids in flappy golf 2

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