54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Uni admission exam

What exactly is he doing and can you just ignore him

The thing is
I did very well on it
But I just said that I did well and he jumped to say he went better
He can’t even congratulate me because he needs to buff his ego always on everything
Why did I even bother telling it to him

Yeah I can ignore him
That’s why I’m going to the psychologist

Have you tried saying no u?

No, u?

Yes me.

I’m not memeing

I’m not either

Does he know your grade?

Humans are weird complex hypocrites



I scored 59 and, last year, the grade one needed to score to enter my course was 42
There is still the second phase tho


Pianos are Stringed Instruments. If you play any stringed instrument, then you are in the same vein as a Piano.

Either that or they’re Percussion instruments. If you play a drumset, you play in the same vein as a Piano.

Piano is a very instrument.

It’s a Percussion


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@Mercenary do you have siblings? are you the oldest?