54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

No, the sign meme.

You don’t understand the furry culture :wink:

i ce\learly dont

last halloween i got a nerf bow and arrow and dressed up like a hunter and shot people with cat ears/fursuits and called myself a furry hunter.

I didn’t get to actually do it because by the time i got home on halloween everyone was off the streets but i still have the costume somewhere

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Imagine only now realising that by getting pelts they mean killing a wolf and making a pelt out of them.

That’s what it means, right?
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nvmd nvmd

52 PM

My desktop is fun.

Someone send halp

Someone send help

How do you purge YouTube recommended

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Oh god what an abomination.

My desktop is neatly organized, this is just chaos.

Incognito mode



what did you do litten

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The YouTube algjtorim played 4d chess against me and I lost

Sulit can tell you about it

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litten litem on fire

no ill pass

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Don’t owo or things might get violint


Gets out my silver Violin

Starts playing terribly

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Probably still better than me.

Stabs you with a random knife taped to my fist