54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

also the south by no means was sick, slavery was a 3000+ year thing that was normalized and thankfully phased out

Just like cars are now. People in the future are going to condemn the people bringing down the global warming protestors from trains.

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I am sick does that mean I am not from the south

I thought of that story idea when I was reading a YouTube comment on a global climate protest

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also i am bias as i was born in raised in baton rouge so theres that

I wouldn’t be surprised if human workers in the future would be considered a novelty restaurant idea in the future where robots mainly do that stuff

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Inb4 Robots just eat for us

the fucking ironic part about this is that most certainly they would be paid MUCH more then the average waiter now a days as they would have to be perfect ideal candidate for like the throw back waiter idea

I could be wrong on this prediction not sure, but eh maybe

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Actually I’m probably wrong

Restruants dont make a lot of money

Could be for the expensive restaurants

Don’t make a lot of money sorry

What about kittens in the future?

Can I get robocat



im actually of the opinion that it is loads more grey than can be observed from our timeframe, both in the past and in the future. i doubt cars will be the main or only thing to drive us apart in the future, there would probably have to be a catalyst of some sort, the archduke Franz Ferdinand of the future, if you would.
and in the past, im sure it wasnt nearly as simple as it would seem. yes, slavery was an issue that was normalized over 3000 years etc etc, but im sure there were some people who genuinely loved it, way back when. not to mention that the two sides weren’t all that different for the civil wars, most of the northerners were still heavily racist, just against slavery in particular, while some of the southerners werent racist to speak of (they were either okay with slavery, believed that someone had to do it and they were already around, or were socially pressured to keep with the subject)

but yeah. its almost impossible to record all the information to make the decision (especially since humans like to have a clear-cut decision morally), so there is no way it is nearly as black and white as it would seem, and this plays out doubly for the future, with predictions generally either so vague as to be a useless certainty, or specific enough to be an impossible hypothesis.
thats my theory


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No undertale

Yes Undertale

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This was what it was based off of