54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

you play on MS or you don’t multitab

ms is not TonyDark™ approved


so you don’t multitab

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Don’t add SKs to your setups unless you want a massively imba kill ratio

Double Mountainous, let’s go!!!

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my suit alone uses hundreds of tabs



I really have an itch to host a game

(In that I’ve never actually hosted a big game, have a lot of super fun setups stored away, and I was to see chaos explode)

oh yeah and the fact I don’t have enough time to actually play one

That ends my spurt of activity in here time to leave again k bye

Oop my discord is sulit#6637 I want IN

This thread takes so long to get to 30k

Cmon we took one year to get to 1k iirc


just spam discobot ez

The thread for eevee’s roadtrip disappeared

I wanted to keep talking about people’s D&D alignments

Speedwagon is Lawful Good
Jesus is Chaotic Good

This means that Speedwagon > Jesus

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That implies that Lawfulness is inherently better than Chaoticness

Speedwagon > Jesus