54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

A mafiascum thread, probably

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can we laugh at how lazy they are

they didn’t even change Apollo’s name

but these aren’t mere wallets
these are S̱͈̝̰k̬̥̙̫̙̤͙i͢l̠̳̙̟̫͎̼̕ls͖̪͜ ̬̪̝W̭̰̮̲̕a̠͎̱̠͘l͏l̹e̟̗͙̙̻̪͜ͅt͖̻s͎̝̹͓̦̩͖͠, which are of course completely different

The reason i cant play with ici today is cuz im writing an essay on the importance of the 12 olympians in greek religous offerings.

My degree is literally greek myth and i love it lol

Is this a meme

I mean neither side really cares about the massive wealth inequality gap


No i study classical civilization thats why my name is Hippolytus lol

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actually fun fact about the whole “romans ripped off greek gods thing”
that’s kind of misrepresenting the issue?

Romans destroy Greece with facts and logic then steal their shit

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Shhhhh Icibalus

no one cares about facts these days

Dionysus was referred to as Bacchus in Greece as well, and it’s likely that Bacchus was a greek god that got melded with the cthonic god dionysus who was actually a god of death

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Is it kenrith “op cards in every color” or kenrith with a theme like reanimator or something?

it’s that white card that has one activated ability of every colour

I meant ur deck

hurtstone battle royale

Why did you get a degree in that hippo btw

Half the kenny decks are just “play kenny with best cards in each color” and half actually have a specific gameplan i mean

that information is classified because the deck is hillarious bullshit and i want you to FUCKING EXPERIENCE it

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Cuz thats what i chose to study cuz its interesting lol. In UK theres less emphasis on useful stuff like the US i think.