54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

but listen

they somehow

managed to still convince people that the plot makes sense back then

The time there is 1111

Also I kind of want to hear Ici tell us about myths now :eyes:

They didn’t need to because you didn’t hear stories about gods for the plot

Ici tell us about the myth of socialism working

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i only used this as a replacement for a gif of “but first we need to talk about parralel universes”

First We move to coops
Then bam: syndicalism

Not nearly as impressive as American Dad TASes

if memesky is killed in that game he joined he needs to say this

“A-X-O-L-O-T-L, my time has come to burn ! I invoke the ancient power that I may return!“

the actual answer to your question is that socialism is possible but we need a drastic reimagining of proper non-capitalist socialism because all the forms people have come up with are Garbage™, and in the meantime it’s realisitc to seek greater equality within the constraints of the current system, and also preferably we don’t all burn

So what I get is that people are the problem

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it works with robots I think

10\0 sdrawkcab nekops ton

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I get that reference

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If there are no people, there are no problems?

never accuse me of being an anprim again

I remember studying that at alevel too hahaha

I am unironically anprim not joking