54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

closed setup

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relying on dictionary is appeal to authority fallacy

The Scramble for Africa (1800s, colorized)

I want to know so I can switch the words one day when I undoubtedly become supreme ruler of the world


something is a word if enough people use and agree on its meaning

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So if we get a majority of people in the USA to write repeal instead of appeal for that type of defintion it’s changed?

1$ for each person who uses repeal instead of appeal




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well yes but actually no
people will know what you mean in that culture but in other cultures your shit out of luck
linguistics is not my expertise so do correct me if i’m wrong

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Yeah but the dictionary man?

I demand that all words be used in their pure form, harvested fresh from the Word Trees

@Arete how do closed set ups make you feel.

Who cares if they think we are wrong we legit can just say it’s an American thing you aren’t free enough to use it

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Study hacking then hack dictionary

up to the company

Depends on the closed set-up

it’s a kai closed setup
how does that make you feel

I was apparently slightly wrong about when finals end (…in hindsight, it was kind of dumb to think they ended on the 15th, a Sunday) so I should be able to join it

I’ve never played a Kai closed set-up before

Candlelight is something i’m really happy with actually. I think you’ll adore it

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