54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I signed up for the beta got in, and never downloaded it lol. Is it on steam I forget

Its easy to not get viruses kappa
Just stay off internet

Just stay off computer

How do you avoid irl viruses

No, you just go and download it and it works. But first you have to go do a relatively tedious tutorial, but in fairness MtG is literally the most complex game ever made so I mean

Shurian what are you doing on the internet. Scram you

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Sir have u played Gloomhaven. Mtg is a cakewalk

Run away fron them I heard theyre slower than humans

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Oh that is also simple

You cant get viruses if you are already dead

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Im special I have Windows Defender on

dat if you combine a 60-card combo in MtG you can turn the game into a calculator
it’s turing-complete, so it’s more complex than Gloomhaven

Obviously no virus can get past it

Oh wait
Just shoot the virus kappa

Oh no. Ici don’t tell me u play exodia decks

what the hell

there is absolutely no problem with bullshit combos that instantly win the game in humourus ways

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I forget the card but there was this one deck this dickhead in highschool ran cause he had money out the wazoo. But if u played it like four different ways u won the game. It was no fun

relax I don’t run Approach of the Second Sun, don’t worry

Exodia Decks are only funny if they don’t have any cards saying “you win the game” on it anyway, and instead use overcomplicated combos to win the game in a humorous way

It was blue. I cant find it