54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I redchecked you N0!

I decided I was going to tunnel you both before the game sta-Before even the game started the host told me that you were both going to roll scum

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I objectively knew you were Going to be scum in this game before universe existed

How do I not accidentally spend all my money on books

please help

But 1 book at a time and read it 3 times before u buy book 2

Spend it somewhere else

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this just in:
reads were not the main factor in winning a game (in the end)
AND (it can be argued) neither did mechanics

Reminder dont let me sheep reads, cause I will sheep wolves too often. Make me explain my reads or I wont even pick up on it. This is a result to me never actually trying to read luxy when people say hes obv town and hes never town when I sheep the read

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Idea: A game of mafia where no one knows who their teammates are. You have 3 Uninformed majorities. FIGHT!

as a countermeasure i just always suspect a little bit people who others say are obv town or conf town, just put them very slightly on the scum lean until they’ve proven themselves to you

Remember, always scumread your Mason partners.

Depends on the player imo
Hja and Wazza are very easy to fall into obvtown

Uh in a small game like a 9 man it would be fine. But wouldnt work with 3 factions

Mason no. Neighbor yes

Well I mean you would have 1 NK, The BD, and maybe HoB

Wait uninformed majorities are just town so it really doesnt matter unless they fighting each other. But if they are then that’s just chaos

nah i do it for them too. until they prove it to me they’re not conf town.
also it helps people to explain why someone is conf town rather than just saying that

Yeah but I’m a idiot who let’s laziness take over especially in a mash and just will go with flow when that’s bad

Well, you would have Team leaders who know their teammates, and win if all other team leaders die.