54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

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my self portait is not human even though i make out with it daily

My pfp is selfie true story 100%

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“It appears that the Internet was some sort of ancient pre historic data base, when our best minds tried to recover some of it, they came across some pictures that have scarred them for life”



To procrastinate doing something very important

for future humans:



something that male friends call each other as a nickname

hey daddy, give me some milk please

this is a very common word. I think it should be brought back


/vote Marshal

this is scum

/Vote Marshal

CFD to Marshal gogogogogogogogogo

Maybe in ancient greece

Ok daddy


Broke: “suhfum?”
Woke: “special forum mafia”
Bespoke: “Source Film Maker”

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I read it as safe for mafia


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I’m going to Portugal on the vacations :smiley:

I wish it to be snowing because otherwise it is a waste of a vacation
Never seen snow in my life bud a fact that may be correlated with living in a tropical place

Oh So you are Going to Where I live

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then go to new england

But in Portugal I can laugh at the way they speak whilst still understanding what they say

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