54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

“ consider the implications. We think we know what we want, but we can never really know until we’ve got it. And sometimes when we have, we discover we never really wanted it in the first place - but then it’s too late”

Immortality is fantastic as long as you can always kill yourself in some way. Mandatory death is better then immortality forever.

what right do you have to force death onto other people

What right do you have to force immortality on other people?

That’s a false equivalency

like how it’s obviously wrong to beat someone up and take their wallet in most circumstances, but it’s not unethical to walk up to a random person and give them money equivalent to the contents of the average wallet

Immortality is great when your lives are limited and you live by the clock

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Giving someone immortality and then not giving them a way to reverse it is cruel and unnecessary suffering.

But eventually you’ll want to end it
We aren’t hardwired to live forever

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Litten I have a question

in most circumstances, is murder wrong?

Hold on a second

There’s a reason why a new age of thinking coming in brings about new progression in society
Immortality sucks at a societal level, but to the individual it could be seen as perfection


Why immortality shouldn’t be a thing. Flowey experience sums it right up

or rather a similar concept

life is exciting until you do everything

There are countless things to do, so that line of thinking is fundamentally flawed

And even then tech develops, society changes, and new things are created at a constant rate

Yeah I think it was a bad comparison because it’s a time loop here but I think it’s similar in a way about how people emotions will change as things goes on.

I don’t videos

‘videos’ is a verb in the above sentence

Some people can’t handle immortality
Others can

I think it’s that simple

Murder is wrong. However not helping someone is not against the law.

I think it honestly depends, we don’t actually know if there’s a breaking point.