54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

We could raise the price actually a bunch more and blackmail governments here. We find a wealthy person who can afford t produce fhese vials to help back us up, and we tell the public the first vial is 1 billion

You get epstein’d

Get The backing of a very wealthy invidiual who can afford to protect you

but in the first case, the scientist, if they knew the energy produced from the reaction, surely knew someone would use it as a weapon somehow. so lets mirror that and say if they choose to press the button, there’s a 90% chance they made it in time, and a 10% chance they’re too late, and the bomb is on its way.
and that this chance persists for however long it takes for them to decide, and that they know this

They will epstein you in order to get insane money
Slow rolling this is the best way to get the most money while keeping yourself safe

Like all you need to do is get the backing of someone who can protect you and you can cause mass chaos and make the goverment give you tons of money

the amount you’re at fault is proportional to the expected value of the action when you took it


Leverage this miracle cure to get political power
Use this to support the people protecting you
Create a private invincible army
Take over a large majority of the world

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would it be illegal to say no one will gain immortality unless I become president and blackmail the fuck out of the public

We literally mind melded

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if Geyde kidnaps you and tells you he’s going to roll a D20, and you can choose either ‘1’ or ‘every number except 1,’ and if he rolls that number he’ll set off the nukes from the previous example, then if you choose 1 you’ve made the ethically correct choice even if he then rolls a 1

The crazy part is this would actually work

and it’s scary I can see it actually happening

As it turns out guns suck at killing people who can’t die


or, hypothetically, you get a government grant to produce it, and secure wages for a good life in a contract saying you’ll give a certain amount directly to the governent, but then mass produce it and spread it everywhere.
assuming that this is a world where it is a thing everyone would want

if it is truly at no other cost, yes. the instant it takes more than a second or a dollar is when this starts to fall apart.

@discobot roll 1d20

rolling for diplomacy

:game_die: 2


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

presses button


this is how society crumbles

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