54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

here’s an example but with floors


I have a soft spot for american dad speedrun memes now


this was in my school bathroom btw


I don’t know who did it but whoever they are are a madlad because the dean of students got pissed off.

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god tier

like we have weekly school meeting and he spent the entire hour talking about this and other offenders.

because my peers have the habit of printing memes and posting them in bathrooms and he did not like it at all

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like he would show pictures of the memes and everyone would laugh(because memes) and then he would just snap at everyone.

repeat for 55 minutes

More serious answer:
LGBT+ people are not necessarily more tolerant of each other or others.

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I think some class did a discussion of famous murder cases and somebody brought up epstein as a joke


put up memes on every locker
bonus points if it has gay porn in it

Not sure what happened afterward
Just that the teacher thought it was hilarious

now heres a question. what percentage is the critical mass

His name is Kai


i’m the black hole of gays in more ways than one


ah this reminds me of some woman who came to talk about entrepreneurship or whatever and she showed a picture of an entrepreneur and asked “who is this” and some gamer shouted johnny sins.

that whole thing was hilarious too. god i love my student body even if the teachers are yikes

So are we fused as one together as you sucked me in?

Wait no this sounds wrong

thats probably the point


Oh Kai. This is why ur the best

no kai

this is catholic school

thats a one way ticket to expulsion or a 1 on 1 meeting with the preist

Turns the priest gay with a nat 2 charisma check

ah. so thats why we have so many gay people

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