54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute



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join me in the cool kids club where you have both an astigmatism in one eye and a myopia in the other

want to trade eyes

neither is particularly severe but without my glasses my eyes get sore incredibly quickly because I can only comfortably look at most objects with one eye

no wait not an astigmatism
what the fuck am I talking about lol

I actually have a theory about it

That my eyes have sorta gotten used to it (or are too scared from extreme exposure to react to it)
From shining my flashlight directly into my eyes at night at summer camp

basically one of my eyes is nearsighted and the other is farsighted, which is… f u n

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who dared you to do this

No one. I just sorta did it for some reason
This was years ago I’m not responsible for his actions


this probably isn’t the reason tbh

especially if it was a couple years ago

Well I tended to shine the light on my right eye and my right eye is less sensitive to light soooooo

Like the change doesn’t bother me, but the sun is another thing entirely

its probably a condition

ive flashed a light into my eye but thats just cuz im stupid and its still senstive to light

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Idk man I think my thing lines up, but it doesn’t really matter, as it’s not something I want to fix

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oh my bf has it too
