54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Aren’t you like, pretty young?

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The light theme gang has approved this message

Star wars was good

Yo isn’t that the thing you lectured us about in Academy

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where’d you get that impression

im old


maybe in body but not in spirit

Aren’t you like, pretty young?




idk but i thought u were like 14 or something

over a decade off friend

and i don’t think im single digits :eyes:


Huuuuh poor kat

Laughs as people try to guess each other’s age.

I thought Icibalus was 20+ 3 years ago.

Guess how old I am



Don’t say he’s just a naughty teenager O_o

Just say 16 for anyone here and it’ll fit I guess :eyes: god, guys you make me feel really old

How did you know

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You shoulda heard Ici before then…
He was like this leader guy
I never thought he was younger than me

Well, here we are.

But it’s easier to forgive people, when you know they are young and still can learn a lot. It’s way harder to deal with older people who can’t change fast anymore.

I dont think that’s how forgiving works tho XD

Forgiving someone does not matter regardless of age tbh. It’s a choice made from oneself, but I’m still young, who knows?