54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

One day I wanna be grow up then become a fisher men and have a pet parrot called jeffy and then I eat bread and have dinner I am so tired of the pickle rick joke it’s been haunting me the past years I haven’t slept in weeks and ears says no


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Weird copy pasta?




thank you for showing this to me


Aye, welcome back Pug! (though it might be temporarily)


it may be temporary but I’m glad I had my time off.

I don’t really expect to be too active, I’m also extremely rusty when it comes to FMs and such so I probably won’t be joining in those anytime soon.

BUT, I’m somewhat glad I’m back.

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fuck hes back


Oh god oh frick the armageddon were upon us.

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Admittedly I’m starting to get tired of Danganronpa roleplays because its seriously hard to find a good cast.

I’m planning a persona roleplay as well as a danganronpa roleplay.

The persona is far more fun to plan

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Nyx is upon us

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Another thing,

I’m finally getting to finish Persona 3.
In January ingame now

I love the game, even if it has some flaws

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Anyway as a reminder.

I’m always active on discord (Pug#8168)
So if you’d like to contact me, feel free to do so.

I’ll probably be far more busy with my schoolwork this year but I think I’ll be able to balance it fairly well


I also want to apologize for the actions of my 14-15 year old self here. even if nobody cares about them anymore, starting on a clean slate here would be nice.

I never actually owned up to many of those actions, so I want to do so now


another thing, could somebody reinvite me to the FoL discord server.
(post the link in Discord DMs)

Never mind, server died

Yay u back

Yo Puggo, nice to have you back.

happy halloween (in 49 minutes)

what are you guys gonna dress up as this year?


*109 minutes