54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 1


I’ll review it

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i’ll add you to the classcard dm once i finish all the cards

I kinda want to see the creation process in order to reduce work if any overhauls are made

/vote Geyde too much memes, too less content
He can do that way better

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i can add you now if that’s ok with arete

That’s fine

possibility we should create a group DM on Discord because right now this has been happening in my + Kai’s DMs

real talk

my content now is 60% memes, 20% lecturing, 20% trying to solve games when I play

I know
I wish you would actually try to use your real potential, instead of derailing the game threads

I don’t derail game threads
And I wouldn’t want to try to do that

if you don’t derail threads are you even a good fm player smh my head

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ok zoomer

if Baby Boomers are boomers

and Gen Z-ers are zoomers

does that make Millenials moomers

pretty sure this is the worst post I’ve ever made on this site :eyes:

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i’ve mastered the art of getting a thread derailed

I was born in 2000, which was before the new millenium

therefore I am a moomer

what’s the best way to prevent disease that has no cure nor vaccine

kill everyone

You know I’m right