54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Yes I believe it exists

It exists? Yes
That it can make good decisions? No

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I was talking about America, America

This post was brought to you by the South America gang

Actually, that’s what the Hatsune Miku thing is a reference to. basically the guy who made minecraft is a massive fucking transphobe, but he hasn’t been developing the game for ages, so the joke was to pretend notch never existed and to say Hatsune Miku made Minecraft, because he no longer profits from it after he sold it

Minecraft is from an earlier generation of gaming, before it was just a cabal designed to steal people’s money, so it’s generally alright.

What about America America America

I’ll adhere

Is god spelled G-O-D or S-H-R-E-K?

The United States is screwed up because it’s basically a bunch of religious nutters who were left alone under British rule long enough to inherit all the worst aspects of British culture who later split away and generated a powerful empire based on slavery and colonialism.


No, it’s not.

looks at British election

  • being a communist
  • being south american
  • being atheist

Now imagine this is a Venn diagram and in the middle is “hating America”

tbh “having an inch of sense” is probably a worthy inclusion on that diagram

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yes that’s quite embarassing
we should sweep that under the rug


Unless you are ELIGHTENED centrist

those people are self interested bitches

so thats probably a majority of the population

Was looking through ToL server history and ran across this gem. :eyes:


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