54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

mods there are compeltely power hungry and completely ignore the rules
and the game is even worse

the FM mods are cool
don’t knock them

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one of the game mods called me the n word because i made a ban appeal

the gmods are routinely mocked by the actual community, who almost exclusively avoid playing the actual game

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i got banned from town of salem for posting a negative steam review and then the mod that banned me called me the n word

that sounds distressingly plausible to be honest

but back in the old days, when FM and Forum Games were cool, those forums were great. the actual game was always shit though


Almost like someone I know!


I have been gone for a month now

I honestly forgot about this place for a while, was busy with so many things, and i was in Detroit over Christmas break.

Probs wont be able to join any game, but i will be lurking


I had irl steamed clams for lunch


I had irl a slice of cake for lunch

i give it 6/10

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I had lettuce rice beans and 2 eggs

I have nothing for lunch.

It’s my 6 month site anniversary :partying_face:


I had an idea of making a Persona FM (I don’t want to forget 1 and both 2s but this idea didn’t really have them in mind, I’m not Atlus, I’m just not really up to playing them at the moment)
once I was done with Persona 4

but I don’t think I could host it here, mainly because playercount seems kinda low
as well as how I’m not really wanting to bring anything special to the table with it, so I’m not going to bother making it.

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The last time I hosted a FM (Danganronpa) it was more balanced on scumreading as opposed to mechanics.

Tbf there were a few faults with that game too but still, I liked it.

and we all know how scumreading balanced games work on these forums, nobody gets anywhere.


god hippo your normal avatar feels weird after getting used to that avatar for a few weeks


hippo change ur avatar back this instant


Suddenly I start to pay attention in the taste of water and here is what I have noticed so far:
Most bottled brands have too much sodium or bicarbonate

The uni’s also had a lot of sodium or bicarbonate and that should be the rule for this entire city