54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Hey, I made basically the same list in JoJo dead chat

SFoL some number: Chaos 2 - BD - canned
FoL 22 - BD - win
SFoL 51: HoB III - Cult - win
FoL 23 - BD - loss
EFoL 3 - NK - loss
Short Fuse 4 - scum - loss
SFoL 52: Clash of Cults - BD - win
LotR FM - scum - win
SFoL 53: Looming Threat - town - loss
Joat9 - town - win
Marson - town - win
Mafia Academy - town - loss
SFoL 54: UPick - town - canned
SFoL 55: Old Ruins - neutral King - win
SFoL 56: Grand Idea v.2 - the worst hecking neut to ever exist - win
FoL 24 - BD -> Unseen (converted N2) - win
Blood on the Forums (this totally counts guys) - town - win
Danganronpa FM - scum - canned but we were totally going to win, guys
SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous - town - canned
JoJo FM - town - loss
Cop13er - town - win
Derps GI v2 - neut - loss by my actual wincon, win by the wincon the hosts thought I had

MU Hydra Game 2 - town - win
MU Monopoly Mash - town - win
CD FM1 - town - win
CD FM2 - scum - win

Mountainous 15er - host
FoL 25 - cohost

who wants GI turbo

What’s the book? Is it in the public domain such that you could find it online without piracy (which obviously this forum does not condone)?

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Have you tried talking to them directly in a civilized discussion


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American Government—A Brief Introduction
Actually good idea
I’m looking up pdfs rn





Hi Darth
Up for GI turbo?

Then it’s probably a gut reaction
I think it’d be good to ask back in a week or so

There is no way that that ruling will last longer than a few weeks

Sup y’all! Thought this might be a good place to introduce myself!

I’m darth and I’m from CDFM. As you may already know, CDFM got shut down yesterday, so as per @Arete’s recommendation I’m migrating over here! Looking forward to playing with you guys!


I’m interested

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I don’t think there are any ongoing games right now.

There aren’t
It looks like a job for me


My brain is convinced that the two of you would get along really well if you talked

I don’t know where it got that impression, and I’m not super confident it’s right, but it might be worth doing that just in case it’s somehow a correct guess?

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Now I tell someone else to post signups

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Geyde review my game

I am not liable to any sanity-related images you experience while playing Grand Idea. I swear my roles aren’t… those roles, really.

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Grand Idea Mafia is a cavalcade of despair and villainy

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