54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

the original is a caesar cipher. translates to “jsaac honzalez”
so im going to guess the output to this one is “Isaac Gonzalez”

considering that


F =6
I =9
J = 10
K = 11
L = 12
M = 13
N = 14
Ñ = 15
O = 16
P = 17
Q = 18
R = 19
S = 20
T = 21
U = 22
V = 23
W = 24
X = 25
Y = 26
Z = 27

all vowels are summed 4 or 3 to their number and all consonants 2 or 1 by a logic I still have not found but believe it to be Isaac miscounting
so it is Isaac Gon (N sums 3, Isaac apparently didn’t use the spanish alphabet so in normal circunstances it sums 2) zalez

unless I’m mistaken and CH, LL and RR are letters from the spanish alphabet as my teacher taught me, so Isaac would not be miscounting.
but Google only says that Ñ is added

ch ll rr and that N are all from the spanish alphabet
(and not in the ‘normal’ english one)

so Z would be 26

wikipedia tells me they are not

just because they are letters it does not mean they are on the alphabet

im saying none of those 4 are on the english alphabet.

so that A=1 and Z=26

Isaac randomly adds 1 or 2 to vowels or 3 or 4 to consonants
I believe it is not random and it is just in fact he used an extended alphabet with CH, LL and RR.

I considered that Isaac is from spanish origin and went to google the letters on the spanish alphabet, and according the sauces it is the english alphabet with Ñ added as a letter.

normal caesar cipher gives “jsaac honzalez”
so no i dont think so.

ie portuguese alphabet was ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZ, got changed to ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWXZ in 1945 and then to ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ again in 1990.

but all this time aside from the digraphs (RR and CH comes to me instantly to my head), we always had the letter Ç. It is even on my keyboard. But it never got added to the alphabet.


plus he says that the original code we’re referring to is a mistake.
the first letter on either word is off by exactly one, so i assume its correct

im not arguing what the portuguese alphabet is.
im saying that normally caesar cipher uses the english alphabet.
using this conversion, you get the following text:
“mvddf krqcdohc”
when decoding this through a caesar cipher with a shift 3 (a->d), you get the following as an output:
“jsaac honzalez”
considering that there was a mistake in this, and that the first letter in either word is exactly 1 less than “isaac gonzales” i believe that is the proper output


F =6
I =9
J = 10
K = 11
L = 12
M = 13
N = 14
Ñ = 15
O = 16
P = 17
Q = 18
R = 19
S = 20
T = 21
U = 22
V = 23
W = 24
X = 25
Y = 26
Z = 27

I: 13-9 = 4
S: 20-22 = -2
A: 4-1 = 3
A: 4-1 = 3
C: 3-6 = -3

S and C are also off by 1.

that’s what I’m arguing about
either Isaac mistyped or he used another alphabet

hes already said that there was a mistake in the original code.
ive no idea why your subtracting there.

its an A1Z26 cipher followed by a caesar cipher with shift 3 as far as i can tell

in the english alphabet

because if you fucking add 3 to 22 you will have W or V instead of S

he added for vowels and subtracted for consonants
that’s pretty clear if you check letter per letter

but if you don’t use Ñ the letters aren’t off, at least on ISAAC, and I haven’t proofbroken GONZALEZ yet to see if he used the standard english alphabet or the “extended” spanish one. All I’m saying is that he didn’t use the alphabet with a Ñ or also added CH, LL and RR since the 1-2 3-4 shifts (and a strange shift of +2 on L).