54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

2fa is important

When’s the next GI game? I want to be Indominus.

I dunno. We should find a new forum to run just GI on.

xBlade has forced us to use it

Open-heart surgery, done by doctors in psychology


Update: I now have a wireless USB keyboard to replace my built-in keyboard. Unfortunately, this means I have sacrificed my one USB slot away from my mouse. Yay.

To add to this hillarity, becaue my stand is broken, this means that I need a lower surface to lean my actual screen against. I have chsen the side of my desk for this essential task, which naturally leaves my screen leaning against my chest and my desk. Unfortunately, this leaves no space on my chest for the keyboard.

So anyway now my keyboard is above the screen lol

Presumably this has elevated my speech now because I’m labouriously typing everything out perfectly. Don’t worry. I’ll be back to inconsistent capitalisation before you know it.

Your speech has been eleveated because your keyboard is higher now.




You forgot the closing punctuation.

You can’t start a sentence with presumably unless it’s followed by a comma.

I could go on.

I said I was TRYING more than usual okay
I only bother with actual grammar for my essays and books

part of being british is learning when it is acceptable to commit grammar crimes and when it isn’t

Its AlwayS Acepqble


Bad grammar is only acceptable when you know it is. It’s a feeling in your bones.
Casual text forums are one such instance.
Same with spelling.


Ok centrist

wut is grammer can I do eat that

okay basically take that thing you have in German where words are placed in an exact order based on verb position
and then give it some dank weed

that’s how grammar works
basically it dosen’t