54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

bleh, phrase, not sentence

Big green box?

yes, obviously.

Why would you put it any other way

because all writers are psychopaths

looks at arete

you can fight me and my green big box any day

sorry I mean my big box with greenness

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tHe bOx, of WHich hAs a SlIghtly EverGreEn ShAde anD is AcTually QuiTe lArGe

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*box green big

Biggie Green box

that’s just

so awkward

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green big box


yo why it gotta be a box

Just become Spanish and be like

caja grande verde


Why does the big box have to be green? I want a big yellow box.

I should just speak like this all the time

the folded and perverted dessicated scraps of trees and paste formed into an approximately cuboid form with various folds within has been coated with various minerals callibrated precisely to reflect light in such a pattern that it creates the impression of the existential quality of greenness to any human looking (with the exception of achromats and other such folk) can accurately be described as big, as relevant size differentials indicate relevant to the fixing points of an average box and the typical body of Homo Sapiens it is rather large.


I want a Gay small bag

what the fuck

it’s small gay bag