54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

/factional kill isaac



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don’t say that

/heal Isaac and die to Alert

you meowed so im fine with it

D1 Jailor here

TP/Lo on me please

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Marshal has died


Mafia goon

Preistess has died


Town Doctor

Day [redacted] has begun

Majority is -1

you may speak

/vote Arete I cc Jailor.

/vote Jane I am the real Jailor

No, that’s wrong!

/vote arete cat user die now

thats hammer

/unvote arete

Mods can speak while dead, right?

N-Nani!? Aren’t you the Host?

whos alive

town treestump doctor

well you defenitely aren’t

/moddayvigkill isaac