54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Not CD


I kind of feel like playing chess again but I also don’t want to lose for the fourth time

first is great

it’s like raising a child and having them play sports

only for your child to break both of it’s legs and lose to a far stronger and faster child


sounds not soul crushing at all

it’s so soul crushing

like depending on what happens you either feel pure waves of joy or a terrible terrible defeat

my team advanced with a far inferior alliance because the far superior alliance’s robots broke

but it was stessful as fuck

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sounds like FM

and when you are running to grab a battery for your robot which is needed in like 30 seconds and is in another room

you will run faster then you ever have


and then get sick and be out of school all next week



Completely unrelated but is rick and morty any good I’m thinking about starting to watch it


it’s issac whoa

depends on if your iq is over 250



Oh boy, Oklahoma is uh… far from boring to say the least :eyes:

well the casinoes, oklahoma city, and college towns aren’t boring

the rest of it is boring as shit

Don’t forget the fact that gun shops and churches are right next to each other

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lul thats true

and when they legalize there(or have they already?) you know there will be a dispensary on every street

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