54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

gl marshal

lol my ex used to live there

Hold up. So your ex used to live in Oklahoma but now she’s in Wisconsin?

……I’m scared that we have more in common

you cn hqbe many xes

Yeah, I know that. But I don’t know how many exes Wazza has… I don’t even know if he wants to talk about stuff like that. It can get pretty personal

i sleep around cause im a thot

I think I need to sleep early myself. I can’t understand the context of that post

i fuck people

or ig et fucked

thank you for sharing with the class


…… I… uh……Yeah, I really need to fucking sleep. It’s only 10:30 pm but then again, I stayed up past 1 am last night so ehh……

Oh god, I just got a cursed thought and even though it’s not explicit, I don’t know if it’s safe to mention

squid no cursed thoughts. Sleep

Cursed thoughts must be a warning sign of being too tired for your own good :thinking:

I hate it

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seriously nobody:


Wait a hecking minute…

Oh shit, I got another cursed thought and this time it’s more personal. I need to get out of my bed to get ready to sleep, but I’m too tired to get off

strap ons

jesus fuck i don’t need to know that you use strapons

im just saying i can fuck people


i meant it more as a general comment that that whole thing came out of nowhere

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