54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Schrodinger's Button


No beans for you.

made in japan is not the true defining feature of anime.
for instance, take Netflix’s Castlevania.
super anime.
still american

Samurai Jack is not made in Japan but is super anime. (Sort of.)

theres also like at least one super-classic anime that was made in china iirc

I’ll just read the manga.

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Giant enemy spider

Enemy Spider giant

Wazza is alone but cries but roblox.

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I thought you get eaten by a giant spider when you were playing Miner heaven.

that’s a story for a different day.

Wait, you play Miner’s Haven? What life are you on?

You play roblox?

Not played normal MH in a while but I’m like S+8k.

I do, yes.

What’s your name

The same as my forum name, Jgoesgaming.


just in case datbird dosen’t respond in time, does anybody want to replace into "ToL"FM

What is an iamb?

by Arete

Words have stressed and unstressed sounds. For instance, the word ‘carrot’ stresses the first syllable – you don’t say carrOT, you say CARRot. In contrast, ‘delay’ stressed the second syllable – you say deLAY, not DElay. If you’re not sure which syllables a word stresses, try different options and see which one sounds right.

An iambic foot has two syllables. The first syllable is unstressed, and the second syllable is stressed. For example, the following two lines are written in iambic tetrameter; that is, they are made up of four total iambic feet each.

Whose woods these are I think I know,
His house is in the village though

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