54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

It’s better that they shitpost here than on every other thread tbh

Maybe… Just maybe…
If we take away places to spam and make a small rule about it on the forum games and off topic subforums, then we can eliminate it

Memesky is a peepee.
Do I win everyone?


memesky winning atm pug u gotta up ur game

gotta ping him so he can give his response too

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Pug is a poopoo

Meme is almost going to win! Quick Pug do something!

Memesky ruins anything he touches.

Think about it, Litten already was shit but ever since he fucking started using Litten as a pfp. Litten got destroyed. Firekitten got em too.

Also y’all just cheering on meme to piss me off fuck you, why such a bias against me?


You know they’re just rooting for you because everyone hates me here.


Pug I don’t think you want to bring litten in this imo.

It’s between you and meme not litten.


Meme might have the pfp of a fire type pokemon but he cant spit fire cause he’s truly a deformed ditto

I think Pug may have just won this

@Memesky bring defence or you lose

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Actually know what’s let’s solve this once and for all

1-Pug is better.
2-Meme is better.

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Very doubtful

Uh wait that failed

1-Pug wins
2-Meme wins

@discobot roll 1d2

@discobot fortune

Is Pug better than meme?

:game_die: 1